Agriculture and Natural Resources

McLennan County is heavily involved in the production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products and agribusiness enterprises. The sale of raw agricultural commodities is estimated at more than $90 million, which supports approximately 20 percent of the total county employment. Beef cattle, corn, dairy, nursery products, and wheat crops are the primary contributors to the agricultural and agribusiness payroll. Extension provides information and technical support to help maintain the profitability and stability of this economic sector. Applied research and demonstration plots are used to show best management practices and evaluate new technologies in many production areas. Natural resource and land stewardship issues are often addressed through educational programs. Home lawn, garden, and landscape questions are answered individually on a daily basis at the office, or agents can give specific programs to clubs, organizations, etc.  For more information on the agriculture and natural resource program in McLennan County, please contact Shane McLellan at


Upcoming Programs



Ag Newsletters

Stocker Cattle
Summer Protein Supplementation for Stocker Cattle and Nursing Calves on Rangelands

 Extension Testing Resources
Soil, Water, and Forage Testing Information
Nitrate and Prussic Acid Testing Information

Horticulture Links
McLennan County Extension Don’t Bag It
TexasEt (weather information, current and average evapotranspiration data, and irrigation watering recommendations)
Earthkind Don’t Bag It
McLennan County Master Gardeners
Aggie Turf Website

Other Agencies
Texas Department of Agriculture
Texas Farm Service Agency
US Department of Agriculture
USDA Market Report
Progressive Farmer Online

 From The Top Rail Ag Blog


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